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Participation Information

This is a free/public trombone concert featuring holiday music standards and unique arrangements. Most are pieces I either transcribed or arranged. 

Some of the pieces are fairly easy. Some are definitely not.

This event is considered one of my student's favorite events of the year!

Join in to find out why!!

**If interested, contact me ASAP.**

Text (940-300-0071)

Email (


Who's invited:​​

  • Select students from my studio

  • Freelance trombonists/Private lesson/Studio teachers

    • Participating Private lesson/Studio teachers can invite up to 2 students

  • Band Directors (who play or know how to play trombone)

  • Others considered. Feel free to contact me!


Performance info:

  • December 15th from 5:30-6:30pm

  • Stonebriar Centre (mall) in Frisco

  • Inside the mall in front of Nordstrom


  • Dress is casual (everyday school clothes, etc) with optional holiday cheer


Rehearsal (optional for some):

  • Students must attend at least one rehearsal, but are HIGHLY encouraged to attend all

  • There will be 3 rehearsals, providing options for students with possible conflicts

  • Rehearsals are optional for everyone else, but encouraged to look over provided music

  • Rehearsal dates:

    • Monday (12/11) at Memorial High School (Frisco) from 4:45-6pm.

      • This Monday rehearsal is considered an extra (pre) rehearsal, necessary for a few schools who have conflicts on Wednesday and Thursday.​

    • Wednesday (12/13) at Heritage High School (Frisco) from 4:45-6:30.

    • Thursday (12/14) at Heritage High School (Frisco) from 4:45-6:30.

  • For anyone new to this event, please be aware that this is not your normal trombone holiday concert. Some of the music is actually quite challenging.


Other info:

  • Some of this music is tricky. It's not your standard "easy-to-sightread" Holiday public get-together

  • Music will be sent (emailed PDF) as soon as I have a final list of participants


© 2016 by Tony Bianchetta with

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